Quality Standards
Quality Standard
Professional References
Prof. Dr. P. J. Rosch
Prof. Dr. Hildebrandt
Prof. Dr. I. Prigogine
Prof. Dr. R. Rosenman
Prof. Dr. J. Lynch
Prof. Dr.
H. Schadewaldt
Prof. Dr. H. Koeditz
Prof. Dr. A. Reznikov
Prof. Dr.
G. Gerassimowitsch
Prof. Dr. I. Gerhard
Prof. Dr.
Boris Luban-Plozza
Prof. Dr. Schachinger
Prof. Dr. K. Taubert
Prof. Dr. W. Dutz
Prof. Dr. Heuser
Prof. Dr. R. Nilius
Prof. Dr. Canzler
Prof. Dr. R. Feuerstein
Dr. L. Dossey
Dr. W. Sidorenko
Dr. I. Lazaroff
Dr. H. Schmidt
Dr. D. Griebner
Dr. R. Matejka
Dr. L. Dritz
Dr. R. Legnani



M E D I C A L   R E S O N A N C E  T H E R A P Y   M U S I C     a product of the Micro Music Laboratories leading medicine into the future
application of the natural harmony laws of the microcosm of music in favour of health


�   A A R   E D I T I O N   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   2001

Prof. Dr. med.
Wolfgang Dutz

Senior Consultant Department
for Internal Medicine, Diana Clinic
Bad Bevensen

one of the leading kidney experts
of the former GDR


Prof. Dr. med.
Wolfgang Dutz

"I much welcome your initiative, together with that of the health insurance companies, to make the medical pre-scription of Medical Resonance Therapy Music practicable.

My experiences during the past two years with the purposeful use of Resonance Therapy for insomnia and hypertension are, without exception, favourable.

In our stressful civilisation, coping with stress in a natural way is too often replaced by taking tablets. As a nephrologist, I am aware of the dangers of analgesic and soporific drug abuse - a number of my dialysis patients suffer from kidney inefficiency due to drug abuse, a fate I would want to spare as many people as possible. So, if a prescription of Resonance Therapy can be enforced, many doctors will be happy to no longer require pharmaceutics for the mentioned indications.

Yours sincerely

Prof. Dr. W. Dutz

about the founder of micro music laboratories
& the medical resonance therapy music®
Micro Music Laboratories – Quality Standards – References
Micro Music Laboratories – Quality Standards – References
about the founder of micro music laboratories
& the medical resonance therapy music®