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  Harmonic Therapy of Digital Pharmaceutics                                                   Page 1 2 3

Question: What results have your studies produced?

Prof. Dr. Reznikov: We were able to observe that several parameters of the vegetative nervous system underwent change under the influence of Huebner’s Medical Resonance Therapy Music. For example, the hormone beta-endorphin, the body’s own morphine, comes close to normal status as a result of the music treatment. Thus, this music has a harmonising effect.

Headaches, for instance, got better, sleep became deeper and the patients simply felt better as a result of this therapy with the music. In other patients, there were improvements in problems like forgetfulness, lack of orientation, nervousness and lack of concentration.

Question: Did listening to Mozart also have this effect?

Prof. Dr. Reznikov: Listening to Mozart led to the activation of bodily functions, and this runs contrary to the process of relaxation.

When Peter Huebner’s Medical Resonance Therapy Music was used, we also saw an activation of the opioid system, which explains the reduction in pain and the improvement in sleep experienced by many patients. Opioids are substances in our body that one might call the body’s own opium.

This also explains why many patients of both sex felt very much better whilst listening to and also after hearing the music.

Question: Could this also be the physiological explanation for the fact that some listeners feel extremely happy when listening to Medical Resonance Therapy Music?

Prof. Dr. Reznikov: Yes, that could be one of the reasons.

Question: Is the success of the music dependent on the musical knowledge and training of the listener?

Prof. Dr. Reznikov: No, success was evident, completely independent of the patients’ musical and general education.

Question: You are now working with a team of 10 researchers on different studies with the music. Which result has had the greatest impression on you so far?

Prof. Dr. Reznikov: Actually, all of the results with Medical Resonance Therapy Music are impressive, but there was one result which was so clear, it really surprised us. We examined mothers who were listening to the music during labour and saw that the child in the womb relaxes to such an extent that it seems to sleep. This surprised us all.

This is a very positive effect, as this harmonisation of the mother and child, brought about by listening to the music, is not only relieving for the mother but also serves to counteract the trauma of birth for the child. And today it is precisely such trauma which is held responsible for many subsequent disorders the child may suffer. What also impressed us is the fact that the mother’s energy during birth is clearly increased by the music, on average by 75%, and this serves to counteract any dangerous weakening of the mother during the birth.

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